Part 4: 2017 – 2020

May 8, 2017

Song 170508

This song has a lot of watery-sounding reverb on the bass. The guitar parts were all played by me, then pitch-shifted for the break.

May 9, 2017

Song 170509

This is a straight-ahead rock-n-roll song, but follows a pattern that i have where i lay down a strummy loop and lay a plucky guitar line over the top of it. This one didn’t really go anywhere.

September 27, 2017

Song 170927

This one has three distorted guitar tracks all played by me and fighting with each other with a lot of reverb and swirl.

October 11, 2017

Song 171011

This is a light, funky guitar and bass ditty.

December 7, 2017

Song 171207

This song was, i think, recorded by plugging my acoustic guitar into my iPhone and using the Garage Band app. Just a quick two-guitar thing with supplied drumming.

February 7, 2018

Song 180207

This piece may be the start of when i began using previously recorded guitar tracks—cutting out small bits and looping them, then adding drum loops. The bass line on this one was programmed in.

Song 180207b

Another sliced-out bit of previously-recorded guitar. I believe that these were recorded on my iPhone by setting the phone down in front of my guitar amp.

September 26, 2018

Song 180926

This is a re-do of the same song idea that i put together on April 22, 2006, but this time programmed in on multiple tracks and with the correct changes in pitch (the higher parts have slightly different melodies than the main part). I added in some programmed keyboard parts with a bunch of echo which gave it a nice texture.

November 9, 2018

Song 181109

This is another piece that was put together from a bit of pre-recorded guitar recorded on my iPhone.

Song 181109a

The guitar track on this was recorded on my iPhone at our summer house in Pennsylvania during a rainstorm. The bass line was programmed.

Song 181109a – Rev 1

I took the song from above and expanded it slightly, adding in a piece of vocals. I also recorded an ending bit using the same guitar, but this time recorded it directly into Garage Band to synch up with the existing track. This piece became the theme music for my terrible podcast “We Think We’re Famous.”

July 30, 2019

Song 190730-Chocolate-Milk-1

Somewhere in our terrible podcast, i decided that we should be sponsored by chocolate milk. I wrote the words to this, then came up with a simple chord progression on a ukelele that i could sing it to. I recorded the ukelele part, recorded the vocals in one take, then added drums and the pouring sound effect at the end…

Song 190730-Chocolate-Milk-2

…then i made a remix.

December 18, 2019

Song 191218

This is an echo-heavy guitar riff that i’ve been playing since the late 80s. It never had a definite structure—i’d just noodle around with the echo, so it was interesting to try to shape it into something with a little bit of backing synths and bass parts. Since it was taken from a previously recorded track (iPhone in front of my amp), it doesn’t quite synch up with the drumming on the first bit. The BPM in GarageBand can only be integers and the recorded bit fell into a slot between two of them.

Categories: Art


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